Omega Wellness Week


Omega Wellness Week:

6/15-19, 2015

Omega Wellness Weekend:

9/25-27, 2015

at Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY

(For registration and further details, visit

Omega Wellness Workshops are the perfect opportunity to do what you have promised yourself for years: Take a break and dedicate some quality time for your health, healing, and happiness.

For nearly 40 years, Omega has offered holistic wellness programs to help anyone slow down, enjoy nature, and rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. Designed equally for beginners and those with considerable experience in holistic health practices, fitness, or meditation, this restorative program supports you at your own pace and level. Days can be structured or relaxed and spontaneous to suit your individual wellness needs. You choose what works best for you.

Join three top teachers in the fields of holistic health, meditation, and nutrition, to explore finding balance in life, healing your digestion, and cleansing and detoxification. You also learn about adrenal fatigue and stress support, quick and healthy meal planning, probiotics and immunity, inflammation and chronic disease, healthy weight management, and more.

Through group discussions, lectures, contemplative practices, fun food demonstrations, and fitness activities, you:

• Practice holistic health care and naturopathic principles

• Discover nutritional strategies for prevention of chronic illness and disease

• Learn to meditate to help you clarify what you need to feel healthy, balanced, and present in your life

• Identify and overcome any obstacles to wellness

Return home rested, empowered, and inspired to develop and maintain a healthy new lifestyle.

The 5-day workshop and the 2-day workshop offer the same restorative experiences, but the 5-day workshop offers more depth of information. Tom Francescott and Melissa Myozen Blacker are teaching both the 5-day workshop and the 2-day workshop. Winnie Abramson is teaching during the 5-day workshop only.

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