Cleanse and Change Your Life

Cleanse and Change Your Life 

 Attend A Detox & Weight Loss Workshop

with Dr. Tom Francescott at Omega Institute In Rhinebeck, NY
2 Day Detox & Weight Loss Weekend Retreat or or 7 Day Weeklong Detox & Weight Loss Retreat

Dr. Tom’s Easy & Natural Detox & Weight Loss Cleanse

Transform your mind, body, and spirit through cleansing. Dr. Tom’s Easy & Natural Detox & Weight Loss Cleanse provides the fuel, foods, and elimination while reducing the intake of toxins so your body has time to catch up with all toxins already in the body. My 10 Day Body Cleansing Program allows you and your body much needed rest and space to feel rejuvenated and renewed. This program will:

•Reduce your toxins in the body
•Increase elimination of toxins from the body
•Increase antioxidants
•Optimize colon cleansing, liver cleansing, and skin cleansing
•Enhance the way your skin looks
•Jumpstart your mitochondria, metabolism, and well being

Buy Dr. Tom’s Easy & Natural Detox & Weight Loss Cleanse Kit

Why do I need a cleanse?

“For the first time in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the moment of conception until death. In the less than two decades of their use, the synthetic pesticides have been so thoroughly distributed throughout the animate and inanimate world that they occur virtually everywhere.”            Rachel Carson, Silent Spring.1962

This was written in 1962, imagine now our situation. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I firmly believe that cleansing is vital to our health and longevity. Cleansing and detoxification is one of the oldest self healing traditions we have and still one of the absolute best. Cleansing is about letting go on all levels of “stuff and things” that do not support your health, happiness, and vitality. Those that argue the validity of cleansing probably have never done one and are coming from a place of what they were told.

Read about How To Cleanse the Body.

What is Cleansing?
“Let food be your medicine” –Hippocrates, doctor and proponent of cleansing and fasting

Cleansing or detoxification is simply reducing toxins and chemicals in your body by increasing metabolism so that your body functions better. If your body functions better, you will notice more energy, vitality, and a general sense of wellness. You may also prevent age-related diseases like cancer, obesity, heart disease, arthritis, and depression.

Cleansing changed my life and it can do the same for you. Its a simple process with many benefits (although it may be challenging changing unhealthy behaviors). All it takes is the courage to take a leap and belief you can do it! You will soon realize that not only can you make changes, like giving up coffee and bread, but you can thrive without them.

“When I see someone come to one of my workshops or retreats or does a supervised cleansing program with me, they generally feel a lot better and many of their symptoms clear up. “ ~ Dr. Tom Francescott

Cleansing Benefits:                                   “True insight comes from within.” Socrates

•    Strengthens digestion and increases elimination of toxins
•    Increased energy, mental clarity, and better mood
•    Eliminates toxins trapped within the liver, kidneys, colon, blood, and skin so your body functions better
•    Improves immune system function so you have strong resistance to infections
•    Restores balance to your thyroid, increasing metabolism for weight loss or healthy weight            management
•    Reduction of cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar
•    Resets your adrenal gland function and nourishes the brain which helps relieve depression, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability
•    Balances hormones and supports reproductive health, useful for PMS, menopause, ovarian cysts, and prostate enlargement
•    Increase self-confidence, self-worth, and motivation
•    Reduces body odor and bad breath
•    Relieves bloating, reduces yeast overgrowth, and restores your gut flora
•    Maintains muscle mass and promotes fat loss (most “diets” do not do this) while reducing your weight
•    Increases libido and fertility in women and men
•    Skin will look younger, more beautiful, and probably less prone to skin rashes
•    Increased awareness about what foods, habits are good for you and which may contribute to your symptoms.

Make a Commitment to Yourself

The most important part of this program is your commitment to yourself and the process. When first undertaking a natural body cleansing program many people feel initially enthusiastic and dedicated to becoming a healthier more vital person. However, this process is not a sprint but a marathon. Many people begin to feel restricted by the food choices or disheartened because they do not immediately feel better or loose all the weight they imagined they would. At these critical times it is so important to remember why you first decided to dedicate yourself to this process. There are many reasons people choose to detoxify. What are your reasons?
    __ Cleanse my body
    __ Weight Loss
    __ Feel more energy and vitality
    __ Improve my moods
    __ Lower my cholesterol
    __ Lower my blood pressure
    __ Improve my digestion
    __ Improve my memory, concentration, thinking
    __ Look and feel great
    __ To do activities that my current health status limits (ie exercise, yoga)
    __ To feel more in balance and less stress
    __ Other? If so, what ______________________________________________

The items above may represent your personal motivation for cleansing. Remind yourself of these during those times when you feel discouraged. Remember that Dr. Tom’s Easy & Natural Detox & Weight Loss Cleanse helps you take the first big step on your new adventure of healthy living. For many of us this path is not a straight road but one that takes many twists and turns as we discover what actually works for us. Use our program as a map to guide you towards improved health and vitality. Share your goals with a friend, family member, or co-worker who will join you or be encouraging and supportive of your goals. We ALL need support during times of change.

Print and Sign Your Commitment to Cleansing and Healthy Transformation     

Cleansing Resources
Take Dr. Tom’s
Cleansing and Detox Quiz
Read More About
How To Cleanse
Meet Dr. Tom- Schedule a
Cleansing Consult

 Attend A Detox & Weight Loss Workshop

with Dr. Tom Francescott at Omega Institute In Rhinebeck, NY
2 Day Detox & Weight Loss Weekend Retreat or or 7 Day Weeklong Detox & Weight Loss Retreat

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